Welcome to Gokul! World
Gokul! celebrates our big, bold, beautiful world! Join six friends who live in Gokul Village - Riya, Dalai, Noelle, Christopher, Zoya, and Jacob, as they set off on amazing adventures that take them far and wide around the globe. In every story, with the help of Friendship Fountain, these Gokulians explore and celebrate the cultures and festivals of different faith traditions, forge friendships for life, and save the day!
The joy of teamwork, friendship, and curiosity about the cultures of the world's different faith traditions are at the heart of every Gokul! story.

Meet the Characters
Each Gokulian has his and her own special glow. And, together, they make things happen. Find out more about Riya, Dalai, Noelle, Christopher, Zoya, Jacob, and their drone, iDEA—who is always full of fantastic ideas!

Gokul Village and The Mystery of the Vanishing Colors (Hardcover Picture Book)
Gokul Village and The Magic Fountain (Hardcover Picture Book)
It Takes a Village! KIDS T-shirt (More Colors Available)
It's a Big, Bold, Beautiful World! KIDS T-shirt (More Colors Available)
It's a Big, Bold, Beautiful World! Men's and Women's T-shirt (More Colors Available)
It Takes a Village! Men's and Women's T-Shirt (More Colors Available)
It's a Big, Bold, Beautiful World! Women's Fitted T-shirt (More Colors Available)
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